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Exploding Heavens: A Children’s Object Lesson for Christmas


There is an old Christmas choir anthem that I loved to sing entitled “That Night.” In that anthem, there is a powerful lyric that says, “The heaven’s exploded with music everywhere. Angels spilled over heavens edge and filled the air.” A couple of years ago I was singing that song in my mind and something clicked about an explosion of joy and I worked with our children’s and production team to create a Christmas science experiment based on the explosion of angels, mentioned in Luke 2, that happened the night Jesus was born.

Here's the ingredients and the representation from the Shepherds story:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide - clear like the clear night that the shepherds were in the fields watching their sheep

  • Joy detergent – reminding of the angel’s word to the shepherds, “Don’t be afraid for I bring you news of great joy.

  • Food coloring - to add a little excitement because after the shepherds heard the news of great joy, they were excited to go see the Baby Jesus.

  • Warm water and yeast – the yeast looks like a billion stars in the sky much like on that clear night when the angel appeared to the shepherds.

  • When all added together – EXPLOSION of angels appeared praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest heaven.” The shepherds were so excited that they went to see the baby Jesus and then told everyone about what they had heard and seen.

Watch the video below to see a demonstration of this idea:

CLICK HERE to download the recipe so that you can replicate this family moment in your home, church, Sunday School or school.


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