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For the Beauty of the Earth

I love to walk outside and see what God is up - see and hear the colorful leaves as well as feel a light breeze in the air. Fall is one of my favorite times to walk. On an autumn walk, one morning, a little tune and text came to my mind and I sang it into my phone so that I could remember it. Later that day I thought of pairing that tune and text with “For the Beauty of the Earth.” I love to remix hymns for the next gen in an effort to take the timeless texts and keep them fresh for our children; so, I talked to my friend Bobby Smith and we worked together to create a remix of “For the Beauty of the Earth.”

The newly composed chorus says, “Thank You for all these gifts pointing us to Your Son. Thank You for all these signs of Your love for all creation.” That chorus just directs us to Jesus the Maker of all things.

Then I added a new verse from my life experiences. This verse speaks of challenges that come our way. God uses storms, His beauty, His Word and His people to speak us…we only need to be in tune with Him. I pray this remix of “For the Beauty of the Earth” is a meaningful worship expression. You can find an entire family hymn devotion about this and other hymns in God Songs – The Family Hymn Project available for purchased by clicking the button below:


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