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Overcome Overwhelmed


Elisabeth Elliot wisely affirms “If you dwell on your own feelings about things rather than dwelling on the faithfulness, the love and the mercy of God, then you’re likely to have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Our feelings are very fleeting and ephemeral. We can’t depend on them for five minutes at a time. But dwelling on the love, faithfulness and mercy of God is always safe.”

It's easy to be overwhelmed by family, work and community opportunities. That feeling is God given and one of many feelings we all have, but we must learn to identify and manage feelings through God’s perspective. A great way to handle emotions is to see how God helped others deal with their feelings by reading and applying His Word.

Click below for free download of a devotion, Bible story, prayer and song about overcoming being overwhelmed from tykeshub new release: Full of Feelings: Devotions about Emotions.


Elliot, E. Elisabeth Elliot quotes facebook page. Retrieved March, 2022 from helliotquotes.


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