Dr. Jean Feldman importantly says, “We are so busy trying to give children what we didn’t have that we are failing to give them what we did have.” One gift that was given to me was the gift of hymns. My grandmothers, parents and church leaders shared meaningful and life-changing texts with me as we joined together in weekly song. As an adult, is my joy to add to the sound track of the next generation by instilling hymns in them because they have been a source comfort, inspiration and knowledge to me.
Hymns are a powerful and long-lasting way to empower our next generation to have a deep spiritual foundation. To create Hymn Champs of our infants, preschoolers, and elementary children and students, we must have a targeting plan, and have practical applications to infuse hymns into our families and the next generation. We must start teaching our children at a young age. What you do in your child’s first five years profoundly influences how he or she will behave as an adult. What is repeated becomes permanent in their minds.
Hymns are vital because they:
Are the soundtrack of our lives
Contain concise theological thought
Share a significant amount of Christian doctrine
Provide strength and encouragement
Link us together
Increase our vocabulary of praise and thanks
Are commanded in scriptures: “Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.”
(Eph 5:19) ESV