Welcome to the TykesHub! Wiggle and giggle and learn about God with traditional and fresh songs, fingerplays and instrumentals especially written for kids, church leaders and families.
We offer tried and true ideas regardless of church size, budget, or available prep time; we provide family discipleship, and church Bible based easy-to-use resources designed to inspire kids to grow toward life-long deep faith. We are super excited to share Full of Feelings - Devotions about Emotions! Everyone wants to know their place in life. Where do we fit in our family, our school, our workplace, with God? We are full of feelings and need to learn how to identify and verbalize emotions. Importantly, we must discover Christ-like responses to challenging situations with others. Bible stories offer powerful teaching tools to guide in managing emotions and relationships. Full of Feelings is a creative tool to assist families and churches to explore social and emotional learning through a Christ-centered lens. Each devotion explores scripture, music, Bible stories, and reflective times.